

The Kavanagh Day aims to provide a  stage for local artists, writers, poets, actors and musicians to perform Kavanagh-related work.

The Kavanagh Day is an open-access half-day Festival event  to provide a commemorative platform encompassing theatre, music, literature, singing, storytelling and film.

The Galway Kavanagh Days are run by the Patrick Kavanagh Western Association – a voluntary committee made up of local artists, performers and enthusiasts.

We are delighted to present the Galway Kavanagh Day and we hope you will join in !Team comprises following members:

Chair, Administrator,  : Ger Consiidne

Artist Liaison : Joan Gildea, Ann McCurry

Treasurer:  Eamon Shevlin,

Team: Dr. Tony Carroll, Christy O’ Carroll, Nancy Coen, Angela Kelly

To contact PKWA please complete the form below

Web Developer : Visual Aspects 

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